These are the conversations between my parents and I.
I am 26 and live in a different state than my parents. I go home to visit friends a few times a month and stay with my parents. I have an incredibly dysfunctional relationship with my parents that stems from bad habits and decisions we made when I was a teenager.
Before you learn more about me, you should know about the rules between my mother and I. We have a 36 hour rule between us and my grandmother (my mom's mother) and a 72 hour rule between my mother and I. This means we will not spend more than the allowed time together. If we do, it becomes a tense situation for all. It took us several years to figure this out, but we are now aware of our patience levels thus allowing us to create proper rules.
When I was a kid, I was angry, frustrated, and had the general "me against the world" thing going on, but instead of world, it was me against my parents. I was a difficult teenager and my parents did not know how to handle me. They were often frustrated which turned in to anger, which pissed me off even more. There were a lot of screaming matches, four-letter words, and under-the-breath sarcastic comments from both parties. My parents are great people, but I didn't know that at the time. (Looking back, we both agree that we could have handled things differently, but the way that it was allowed for an educational experience that strengthened our relationship now.)
Due to the level of disrespect in the house when I was a child, there are very few things that I can say now that will upset my parents. We get along pretty well and have more tolerance for each other. That being said, we still use four-letter words and sarcastic comments to express how we are feeling to each other, it is just said with love! I can tell my mom to change the fucking tv channel and she will respond with an equally inappropriate response, but neither of us are mad and we are typically laughing while we say this. I tell you this so you may have a better understanding to the relationship we have now.
I do not recommend trying to have any of these conversations with your family, friends, or anyone other than your dog. The relationship I have with my parents is special and the dynamic is unlikely to be reproduced by any other group of people.
my mother, Margy |
my father, John |
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